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Lawrenceville Youth Associate Black Knights Basketball

Lawrenceville Youth Association Black Knights Basketball




(Revised January 28, 2016)

I. Uniforms

  1. The Association will provide one League Issue reversible Jersey, one side black and one side gold or white, one pair of League Issue Gym Shorts. (Pockets were purposely omitted from the design of the shorts for the protection of the players.) Numbers will be at the Association’s discretion.
  2. No jewelry (watches, rings, bracelets, etc.) or any other hard objects (cast, external braces, etc.) may be worn during games or practices. (Medical Alert Bracelets must be taped to the players skin during practices and games.)
  3. Players must wear appropriate shoes with non-marking soles in all gyms. Players must wear League Issue Jersey and League Issued Gym Shorts.

II. Team Responsibilities

  1. Both teams are responsible for providing someone to keep the official scorebook during games. Failure of a team to provide someone to keep the official scorebook will result in that team not being eligible to protest the game.
  2. The visiting team is responsible for providing someone to operate the clock during games, if the Association does not provide one.
  3. All teams are responsible for cleaning up their own trash after all practices and games. This is very important at school gyms, since a good relationship with the school is necessary for the Association to continue to use the gym. Both teams of the final game of the day are responsible for picking up all trash following their game.
  4. No outside balls allowed in gym, only coach’s practice balls are allowed inside the gym during games.
  5. Only current game players allowed on the gym floor at any time during the game.

III. Playing Rules

  1. All games will be played with Georgia High School Athletic Association Rule guidelines, except for rules adopted by the Association.
  2. A team may start a game with four players. If a team has less than five players at a game time, a five minute grace period will be given before starting the game. (A 10 minute grace period will be allowed for the first game on Saturday morning only.) If a team has fewer that four players present after five minutes, the game will be declared a forfeit.
  3. Games will be 2 half's 16 minute (running clock) for ages 5-8. Games will be 2 half's 18 minute (running clock) for ages 9-12.  Games will be 2 half's 20 minute (running clock) for ages 13-18.  During each quarter, the clock will run continuously until one minute in the 1st half and two minutes of the 2nd half. The clock will stop on every whistle during those times.
    Should a game be tied after regulation, an overtime period of three minutes will be played (Time Permitting), with the same rules applying in overtime as in regulation. Overtime will be played in 2 min increments.  There will be a five minute break between half's.
  4. All players will be required to wear approved League Issued Jersey, and Gym shorts. Failure to wear approved attire, renders the player ineligible to play. If properly contested and upheld, a forfeiture of the game will result if the game was won. If the player is not wearing the approved attire, they can not play or be on the court.
  5. Each team will have two 45 second time-outs and two 20 second time-outs per game. They may be used at any time during regulation play. There will be one 45 second timeout per overtime period during the playoffs.
  6. Back court pressing will be allowed under the following conditions:
    • AGES 15-18 - at all times unless the pressing team is ahead by 20 or more points.
    • AGES 13-14 - at all times unless the pressing team is ahead by 15 or more points.
    • AGES 11-12 - at all times unless the pressing team is ahead by 10 or more points. 
      If the pressing team is ahead by 15 or more points, then no half court press will be allowed past the time line.
    • AGES 9-10 - the last nine minutes of each half, unless the pressing team is ahead by 10 or more points. 
      If the pressing team is ahead by 15 or more points, no half court press if ahead by 15 or more points, no half court press will be allowed past the time line. (Time line is just in the front of the 3-point line).
    • AGES 7-8 - the last two  minutes of the game, unless the pressing team is ahead by 10 or more points. 
      If the pressing team is ahead by 15 or more points, then no half court press will be allowed past the time line.
    • AGES 5-6 – Back court pressing is not allowed at any time.
    • See section XI for Instructional League Rules
  7. There will be no dunking or hanging on rims or net during practices or games at any gym.
  8. Minimum play time for each age group is as follows 8 or less players:  5-6 and 7-8 (10 Min), 9-10 and 11-12 (12 Min), 13-18 (14 Min).  9 or more players:  5-6 and 7-8 (8 Min), 9-10 and 11-12 (10 Min), 13-18 (12 Min)  unless the player is injured or has four fouls and is removed at the coach’s discretion. NO PLAYER MAY PLAY THE ENTIRE GAME, unless another player has been removed from the game due to injury, foul trouble, ejection, or there are no other substitutes available. The intent of this rule is to allow each player to participate in each game as much as possible. If properly protested by any coach, VIOLATION OF THIS RULE WILL RESULT IN A FORFEIT IF THE GAME WAS WON. Subsequent violations of this rule may result in suspension and/or dismissal of the responsible coach.
  9. A coach may sit out a player for major disciplinary reasons, if the opposing coach agrees with this before the game. The score keepers and referees must be notified if this action. If this action is accepted by the opposing coach, no protest for the substitution rule will be allowed for this incident. Also a player may sit out for disciplinary reasons if given permission by the league director.
  10. In the event a coach can not attend a practice or a game, the coach must notify the Board immediately in order to provide an adequate backup.
  12. There will be no league scheduled practices during Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays.
  13. Coaches should not leave a child alone at any gym.
  14. At the end of the regular season, there will be a single elimination tournament for each age group with the exception of the instructional league.
  15. In the 5-10 age groups, a liberal 5 second lane violation will apply. In older age groups, the standard 3 second lane violation will apply.
  16. Basket height will be 8 feet 6 inches for the 5-8 age groups, and 10 feet for all other age groups.
  17. Foul Line
    • AGES 5-8: Modified foul line
    • AGES 9-18 Standard foul line
  18. There will be a minimum of one referee per game.
  19. Late arriving players must still play time minimums . For Tournament rules, see #8.
  20. Girls all ages will use a 28.5 inch ball. 
    Boys ages 5-10 will use a 28.5 inch ball. 
    Boys ages 11-18 will use a 29.5 inch ball.

IV. Protests

  1. All protest must be submitted to any League Director or Officer in writing within 48 hours of the game in question. Protest on judgment calls will not be accepted. The protests must clearly state the reason for the protest, and must be accompanied by $50.00 in cash. If the protest is upheld, the money will be returned, and the appropriate action will be taken at the discretion of the Director. If the protest is not upheld, the money will be placed in the Associations treasury. During tournament playoffs any League Director or officer must receive the protest within 2 hours of the completion of the game in question, this is due to the compressed time frames during playoff tournaments.

V. Schedules

  1. All practices and game schedules will be set by the Director, subject to final approval by the Board. No changes may be made without the approval of the Director and the Board.

VI. Gate Fee

  1. The Association reserves the right to collect an admissions fee to the games, if the Board deems it necessary.

VII. Rule Changes

  1. The Board reserves the right to modify any rules it deems necessary to insure the integrity of the program.

VIII. Ejection Rule


    In the event a player, coach or spectator is ejected from the game, that individual may be required to appear before the Board Of Directors for appropriate disciplinary action including suspension for the next game(s)and/or expulsion from the program. Disciplinary actions are at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

IX. Blood Rule

  1. A player, coach or referee who is bleeding or who has blood on their uniform shall be prohibited from participating further in the game until appropriate treatment can be administered. If medical care or treatment is administered in a reasonable length of time, the individual will not have to leave the game. The length of time that is considered reasonable is left to the Referee’s judgment. Uniform Rule violations will not be enforced. If a uniform change is required the referee shall: A. Stop the game, and allow treatment if the injured player would affect the continuation of the game. B. Immediately call a coach, trainer or other authorized person to the injured player. C. NO player, coach or referee will be allowed to continue in the game until the bleeding has been stopped and the bloody uniform removed.

X. Game and Practice Cancellations

  1. LYA Basketball Association will follow Gwinnett County School policy for school closing, early school closure or release of classes due to inclement weather Monday through Friday by automatically canceling all games and practices that are scheduled that day and subsequent days, if necessary, if Gwinnett County Schools cancel classes or closed the schools the following days also. Saturday and Sunday cancellations will be at the discretion of the Board, and will be final. Cancelled games or practices will not be made up.

XI. CO-ed Instructional League Playing Rules Supplement

  1. Only Zone type defense will be allowed and defensive players must remain with in the lane until a shot attempt by an offensive player
  2. Back court pressing will not be allowed. Upon change of possession the defensive team must move to the defensive lane.
  3. Fast breaks will not be allowed
  4. Traveling, double dribble, etc. violations will not be called in the back court and will be called in the fore court only if the violation gives the offensive team an advantage.
  5. Change of possession cannot occur in the back court.
  6. All players will be required to wear approved League Issued Jerseys, and Gym shorts. Failure to wear approved attire renders the player ineligible to play. If properly contested and upheld, a forfeiture of the game will result if the game was won. If the player is not wearing the approved attire, the can not play or be on the court.
  7. Lane violations – Liberal lane violations.

Contact Us

Lawrenceville Youth Association Basketball

P.O. BOX 746 
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 678-995-5230
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